Fruit, huh?

Photo by Jane Trang Doan on

I guess I’ll try to start answering these daily, maybe for fun but we’ll see. Maybe I should have started on a better prompt but here it goes:

5. Pineapple – I have a light sensitivity to these – but they’re delicious!

4. Mango– Can hardly ever find a good one but I really love a good mango or mango flavored things!

3. Apple– Yummy Honeycrisp!

2. Banana– I sang the song in my head to spell this, lol.

1. Grape! Black grapes have been my favorite lately but purple and red grapes are good too. Green grapes can jump off, in my opinion, lol.

Honorable mentions:

Blueberries and watermelon, delicious but not top 5!

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