Too Much Stuff

Hubs and I have started “collecting” stuffies! We have two Squishmallows in our bedroom and a few other stuffies in the guest room. We don’t really collect anything that I can really think of. Unless you can count buying stuff we like collecting!

We do have a few hobbies we enjoy individually and together. Hubs likes his plants! He ended up giving all of his plants, except a small orchid, to my friend because he didn’t want to move with them. He loves his plants though. We ended up with a good-sized white orchid, a small purple orchid (the one we’re keeping), a rubber plant, a barrel cactus, some purple leafy plant, and 2 indoor palm (?) trees. I just know that when we buy a house, he’ll be the one I have to tell to cut back on plant buying because there’s no more room!

I only have a Devil’s Ivy that I propagated from a cutting my paternal grandmother gave me from her mother’s plant. It’s HUGE now and I’m sad that I need to cut it back to help it not go into shock when we move. I started 2 cuttings in water just in case this plant doesn’t make it. I’m not usually great with plants. I like looking at them and can’t wait to have a garden, but I think that’ll mostly be Hubs’s responsibility.

So I guess you could say that we collect things. I just don’t like our “collections” are on par with those people who have “mini libraries” in their homes, or shelves and shelves of Funko Pops!. We might be able to start collecting more of stuff when we’re able to get a larger house, but for now, we have a tiny collection of stuffies and plant collection that was given away.

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