Don’t Worry

Photo by Tahir Shaw on

I forget to call my family. I love them, and I know that I should call them more. Life is just busy.

My dad called me earlier this week to tell me about some money he had just made and tell me how he wanted to down-size his pick-up truck. It was fun talking to him after not seeing him since the wedding. I don’t talk to him often enough.

My mom works late and it’s sometimes hard to talk to her if it isn’t on the weekend, and even on the weekend her and my dad are working on their house.

I know I’m making excuses and they’re both still young. But I should call them more and maybe set up a way to video call them (they have iPhones, we have Androids). Especially since we’re moving a couple states away from them and won’t get to go there as easily as I can now.

I know that I’ll regret it if I don’t talk to them more. I should also call my grandparents. They won’t be here as long.


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