
Photo by Diego Madrigal on

I’ve been lucky in life. Not filled with many hardships. I was fairly broke when I moved out at 18 with my now-ex and had to live very frugally for a few years. Even now, Hubs and I are only married recently and I’ve only had the luxury of staying home and running a household for a month and half now.

Before Hubs, I lived paycheck to paycheck. Working as much as I could so that I could pay bills every month. I didn’t even own a laptop or computer until I started dating Hubs. I don’t like telling anyone I was “poor” in my early adulthood but I definitely wasn’t able to buy much for myself.

As a woman with type 2C hair, I wasn’t able to afford proper hair care for many years. My hair was dry and my curls were sad. I had to buy cheap products that only damaged my hair further.

Life is so much better now. I was able to get out of credit card debt pretty quickly and now, I am 100% debt free. My credit cards get paid off fully every month and I am able to sit here, at my dining table, writing this post all to say:

I know life seems hard right now. You’ll get through it. Get out of debt, pay your bills on time and leave them if they’re only bringing you down. You don’t love them as much as you think you do. You’re only content and afraid of being alone. Pack your stuff, get in your car or call your best friend and get out of there. A motel is better than staying with someone who only makes you sad.

I love you guys and thank you for supporting me on this journey! ❤️

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