Dream Writing Space

Since Hubs and I are packing this week and hitting the road next Monday, I’ve started planning the entry space in our new house as my office. I’m thinking I’ll have to buy a few pieces of furniture off of Facebook or wait a few months and collect everything I want to buy for the entryway.

So, I thought I’d share what I really would like my dream space to look like. Especially since I’m really excited to decorate this new house how I’d like.


I’ve always liked an L-shaped desk. I already own a chair, so I don’t have to worry about buying a new one. This way, maybe I can splurge a little more on the desk I want.

I find L-shaped desks to be convenient. They work well in most spaces and can be arranged in different ways. Hubs demands my desk be in the “command position.” I’ll convince him that the desk can’t be in the middle if the room, but it can definitely be facing the front door! With an L, I can have the best of both worlds, be facing the door, and tucked into a corner at the same time!


Like any person who loves books, of course I need a matching bookshelf! I plan to start collecting physical books as soon as Hubs and I can afford it! I’ve even started compiling a list of books I want to buy!


And, of course, I’ll need a small shelf behind my desk to organize all of my small things. Right now, my “desk” is a coffee table that folds up to be a TV stand. It’s really nice; don’t get me wrong, it’s just not big enough. My stuff is just scattered, and I need more space!

Photo by _ Whittington on Pexels.com

Hubs and I are so excited to be getting into this new house, and I’m even more excited to decorate it the way I want to. I didn’t get to decorate the house we’re leaving because Hubs lived here for a couple years before we met and he had it well decorated. I got to reorganize and add my touch on things, but it was really well decorated. I’m just excited to be doing the things that I want to with this new house.


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