May’s Most Anticipated Read!

I’ve talked about the books I’ve read for the month of April plenty. I’ve been reading web comics and mangas some and I will be including them in future posts, so look forward to that! I already have a few books I’m looking forward to reading come May and I want to share the one I’m looking forward to the most.

If you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know that I’ve been reading a few different series. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Cat and Mouse Duet and Harry Potter are the ones that jump to mind first. So, it’s no surprise that I’m most excited to read book 2 of the Cat and Mouse Duet: Hunting Adeline.

I’ve read this story most mornings while Hubs gets ready for work and I really am excited to see how the story ends. I have 75 pages left in book 1 and if I had more time in my day, I would probably finish it quicker (I really should have opted for the audiobook but Harry Potter has taken that credit lol).

I am still adding books to my TBR for May and I hope I can have more to offer in the upcoming month!

Thanks for reading! ♡

Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


  1. Robin’s Weekly Update! – Robin Finch Avatar

    […] have started working on a side project that will be going up on Wattpad. I don’t have a date for its upload as I’m only planning to work on it occasionally. I […]


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