Robin’s Weekly Update!

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What’s Up?

There wasn’t a Monday post this week so be sure to check out the final chapter of Him Next Door that was posted last Friday!

I’ve been working hard on Cursed Hearts and so far, there aren’t any delays. Talking about it, I’m hoping to get it out by August this year!

I have started working on a side project that will be going up on Wattpad. I don’t have a date for its upload as I’m only planning to work on it occasionally. I was just too excited about the idea that I didn’t want to put it off. I hope to have it out eventually and before the end of the year! So be on the lookout for any updates and teasers I come out with!


Hubs and I are moving two states away! As of the writing of this, we will be moving in 7 weeks! It’s kind of scary as I’ve never lived outside of the state and I don’t know what to expect, but I’m still excited to go on this adventure with the love of my life.

I really hope I won’t have to delay anything when it comes to my writing, website and social medias, but it might be inevitable. Not having lists and timelines makes me anxious so I already have a moving schedule made, lol.

I’m so excited to move to our new house together. We’ll be making more money and have started a running list of things we want to save for! I have such an excited and positive view of our future!

Anyway, enough about me, let’s get on with the post, lol.

Coming Friday

I’m revealing my writing process! Come check it out!

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